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"E" Name Restaurants in Hawaii

Information about Hawaii restaurants and cafes that have names beginning with the letter "E".

8 Fat Fat 8 Bar and Grille | Oahu | 8fatfat8hawaii.com |

Eating House 1849 Koloa by Roy Yamaguchi| Kauai | royyamaguchi.com --> eatinghouse 1849 koloa |

Eating House 1849 Waikiki by Roy Yamaguchi | Oahu | royyamaguchi.com --> eatinghouse 1849 waikiki |

Ethel's Grill | Oahu | Instagram |

- Other Hawaii Restaurants by Name
- More About Dining in Hawaii

Note that Hawaii's entities can change or even disappear over time. When you are planning a visit we recommend contacting entities directly to confirm the details you care about.