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About the Kahoolawe Island Archaelogical District

Information about the Kahoolawe Island Archaelogical District on the island of Kahoolawe in Hawaii.

ENTITY: Kahoolawe Island Archeological District
LISTED ON: National Register of Historic Places
NRHP ID: 81000205
DATE LISTED: March 18, 1981

In March 1981, the entire island of Kaho'olawe was listed in the National Register for Historical Places.

The Kahoolawe Island Archaeological District includes the entire Hawaiian island of Kahoolawe. The district more than 500 individual archaeological and historical sites and more than 2,000 features,. It also includes previously unrecorded features associated with traditional and historic Hawaiian land use, ranching, and military activities.

wikipedia.org --> kahoolawe --> archeological district --> paragraph

npgallery.nps.gov --> asset detail --> nris -->81000205

1980 November 22:
newspapers.com/ --> kahoolawe recommended for national historic sites register

- Introduction to the Island of Kahoolawe
- Other Islands of Hawaii
- Hawaii Resources for Visitors and Residents

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