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About the Regions of Kahoolawe

Information about regions of the island of Kahoolawe in Hawaii.

North Kahoolawe Island

North Shore:
- towering sea cliffs
- small pocket beaches, most accessible by water ony

Kaulana Beach

Kealaikahiki Channel
- between south Lanai Island and north Kahoolawe Island

South Kahoolawe Island

(to be added)

East Kahoolawe Island

At the far eastern tip of the island, the large sweeping crescent of Kanapou Bay is home to a chalky sand beach that is backed by deeper sand dunes.

West Kahoolawe Island

Kanapou Bay
Kahoolawe Island Reserve at Kanapou Bay

Alalakeiki Channel
- between south Maui Island and west Kahoolawe Island

Hanakanaea Bay
- features one if the wideest beaches on Kahoolawe Island
- gentle slope into the ocean
- calm waters protected from trade winds and winter swells
- calm waters make a good plae to land small vessels
- the bay and beach are also known as "Smugglers Cove" after reported opium smggers of the past

Northeast Kahoolawe Island

gold sand but rocky beach at Hakioawa on the island's northeast corner.

Northwest Kahoolawe Island

Kahoolawe's northeast shoreline from Keanakeiki to Honokua Bay long white sand beaches. The surfaces of these beaches have been cleared of ordnance but the alst time we checked they had not yet been cleared of any subsurface (buried) ordnance that may exist.

Honokua Bay

Reefs offshore of Honokua Bay



traveltips.usatoday.com --> beaches in kahoolawe

- Introduction to the Island of Kahoolawe
- Other Islands of Hawaii
- Hawaii Resources for Visitors and Residents

Note that Hawaii's entities can change or even disappear over time. When you are planning a visit we recommend contacting entities directly to confirm the details you care about.