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Attractions in Waimea

Information about attractions in the town of Waimea on the island of Kauai in Hawaii.

Bishop National Bank Building | Picture |

Captain James Cook Statue | Pictures |
Captain James Cook's 1778 Landing Site | Pictures |

Faye Headstone | Picture |

Gay Road | Picture |
Gulick-Powell House | Picture |

Hapokele Park

Kekaha Lookout in Puu Ka Pele Forest Reserve (about 2 miles N of Waimea)
Kikiaola Small Boat Harbor | between Waimea dnd Kekaha |

Menehune Ditch / Kikiaola

Peekauai Ditch

Russian Fort Elizabeth

Waimea and Coast | Picture |
Waimea Athletic Field and Playground
Waimea Baptist Church
Waimea Bay Kauai | Pictures |
Waimea Canyon Middle School
Waimea Community Center (now Boys and Girls Clubhouse | Picture |
Waimea Hongwanji Mission | Pictures |
Waimea Landing State Recreation Pier
Waimea Old Sugar Mill | Picture |
Waimea River
Waimea River Mouth
Waimea River Park
Waimea Shingonji Shingon Mission | Pictures |
Waimea State Recreation Pier | Picture |
Waimea Swinging Bridge | Pictures |
Waimea Welcome Sign | Picture |
West Kauai Technology and Visitor Center

Yamase Building | 4493 Moana Road | Picture |


kikiaola.com --> wpc --> waimea town highlights --> 2004 archive
- Captain Cook Monument | 2004 archive |
- First Hawaiian Bank | 2004 archive |
- H.P. Faye Monument | 2004 archive |
- Hawaiian Church | 2004 archive |
- Mill Camp Museum | 2004 archive |
- Restored Buildings | 2004 archive |
- Russian Fort | 2004 archive |
- Russian Fort River View | 2004 archive |
- Waimea Foreign Church | 2004 archive |
- Waimea Mill | 2004 archive |
- Waimea Theatre | 2004 archive |
- West Kauai Medical Center | 2004 archive |

- More About the Town of Waimea
- Other Towns on Kauai Island
- Introduction to the Island of Kauai
- Towns in All of Hawaii

Note that Hawaii's entities can change or even disappear over time. When you are planning a visit we recommend contacting entities directly to confirm the details you care about.