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Airports on Kauai

Information about airports on the island of Kauai in Hawaii.

Scheduled Flights

Lihue Airport (LIH)
Main commercial airport offering flights to and from of Kauai. Located on the southeast side of the island near Lihue Town.

General Aviation

Port Allen Airport (PAK)
General aviation airport on the west end of the south coast of Kaui Island near Hanapepe Town.


Barking Sands Airport (BKH)
Military airport within the Pacific Missile Range Facility on the west side of Kauai Island.

Proposed Kauai Airports

Hanalei Airport
aviation.hawaii.gov --> airports --> kauai --> hanalei airport

Hanapepe Airport
aviation.hawaii.gov --> airports --> kauai --> hanapepe airport

Former Kauai Airports

Princeville Airport
aviation.hawaii.gov --> airports --> kauai --> princeville airport

Wailua Airport
aviation.hawaii.gov --> airports --> kauai --> wailua airport


Puu Ka Pele Heliport
aviation.hawaii.gov --> airports --> kauai --> puuka pele heliport


- aviation.hawaii.gov --> airports --> kauai --> airport district managers
- wikipedia.org --> airports in hawaii --> list

- More About Transportation on Kauai
- Introduction to the Island of Kauai
- Airports in All of Hawaii

Note that Hawaii's entities can change or even disappear over time. When you are planning a visit we recommend contacting entities directly to confirm the details you care about.