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Airports on Oahu Island

Information about airports on the Island of Oahu in Hawaii.

NAME: Daniel K. Inouye International Airport (HNL)
ALSO KNOWN AS: Honolulu International Airport
FIRST OPENED: 1927 (as John Rogers Airport)
WEB SITE URL: airports.hawaii.gov --> hnl | Link |
TYPE: public and military international airport
ADDRESS: 300 Rodgers Boulevard
LOCATION: Honolulu, South Oahu Island, Hawaii
REFERENCE: Wikipedia

NAME: Kalaeloa Airport (JRF)
ALSO KNOWN AS: John Rodgers Field (this was also original name of HNL)
FORMERLY KNOWN AS: Naval Air Station Barbers Point Airfield
WEB SITE URL: airports.hawaii.gov --> jrf | Link |
TYPE: reliever airport
ADDRESS: 300 Midway Street
LOCATION: Just South of Kapolei, West Oahu Island, Hawaii
REFERENCE: Wikipedia

NAME: Kawaihapai Airfield (HDH)
FORMERLY KNOWN AS: Dllingham Airfield
WEB SITE URL: airports.hawaii.gov --> hdh | Link |
TYPE: general aviation and air recreation
SITUATED: about 7 miles west of Waialua
ADDRESS: 69-415 Farrington Highway
LOCATION: Mokuleia, Northwest tip of Oahu Island
REFERENCE: Wikipedia

Military Airports of Oahu

NAME: Hickam Air Force Base
NOTE: shares runway with HNl
TYPE: military airport
REFERENCE: Wikipedia

NAME: NALF Ford Island
FULL NAME: Naval Auxiliary Landing Field Ford Island
- aviation.hawaii.gov --> airfields --> oahu --> ford island luke field
- military-history.fandom.com --> naval auxiliary landing field ford island
- wikipedia.org --> ford island --> article

NAME: MCAS Kanoehe Bay
FULL NAME: Marine Corps Air Station Kaneohe Bay
REFERENCE: Wikipedia

NAME: Wheeler Army Airfield
- aviation.hawaii.gov --> airfields --> oahu --> wheeler field
- wikipedia.org --> wheeler army airfield --> article

FULL NAME: Marine Corps Air Station Ewa
- amvetshawaii.org --> ewa battlefield history --> ewa field mcas ewa
- nps.gov --> articles --> resurrection of alost battlefield ewa plain
- wikipedia.og --> marine corps air station ewa

NAME: Haleiwa Fighter Strip
NOTE: abandoned sometim4e between 1940s and 1960s
- wikipedia.org --> haleiwa fighter strip --> article

NAME: Kualoa Airfield
NOTE: World War II airfield
- wikipedia.org --> kualoa airfield

NAME: Kipapa Airfield
NOTE: World War II airfield
- aviation.hawaii.gov --> airfields --> oahu --> kipapa field
- wikipedia.org --> kipapa airfield --> article

NAME: Kahuku Army Airfield
NOTE: closed in 1946
- wikipedia.org --> kahuku army airfield --> article

NAME: Stanley Army Airfield
NOTE: closed in 1940s, now part of a golf course
- wikipedia.org --> stanley field --> article
- military-history.fandom.com --> stanley army airfield

NAME: Bellows Field
NOTE: runways closed in 1958, now a military reservation
- aviation.hawaii.gov --> airfields-airports --> oahu --> bellows-field
- bellowsafs.com
- hiavps.com --> bellows
- wikipedia.org --> bellows air force station --> article

- More About Transportation on Oahu
- Introduction to the Island of Oahu
- Transportation in All of Hawaii

- wikipedia.org --> airports in hawaii --> category
- wikipedia.org --> airports in hawaii --> list

Note that Hawaii's entities can change or even disappear over time. When you are planning a visit we recommend contacting entities directly to confirm the details you care about.